October 19, 2011

Day 2 in LA

On our last day that we could travel around, we went back to downtown LA to visit Little Tokyo. We met this man, Mr. Sugihara, who issued handwritten visas to thousands of Jewish refugees and saved many people during the holocaust. Then we discovered a mini Japanese garden and shopped in the Japanese Village Plaza.

My family cannot take a good, normal picture.

In the Plaza, we found a store that sold mochi ice cream. It was so yummy! We had Dulce de leche, cookies and cream, mint chip, pistachio and strawberry. We went back to Chinatown later to eat dim sum and then headed towards the Hollywood Hills to Griffith Observatory.

Back to Chinatown

It was such a winding road heading up there. My ears were popping, and the view was awesome up there in the hills! But there is lot of smog covering the city. Not a good thing to breathe in everyday :/

Our last stop of the day and in Cali, was at Sprinkles! The cupcakes were delicious and moist. 

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