December 8, 2014


"You know and I know
without having to say a word.
The things that drive us mad
are the things that can’t be heard."

Hello December! 

I can't believe we have reached the end of 2014. While I am taking longer breaks again between writing, as time to do so has become scarce, I have been reflecting on the experiences I've been through and learned from. I had so much to say and so much to share while emotions were raw and creativity ran rampant. I've broken from whole to dust, phoenixed and then ignited. I am nowhere close to who I was, far from it, but closer now to who I want to be. It seems that the unknown is always a driver for rallying our deepest fears. Yet, the unknown is where thrill-seekers run to, where million-billionaires are made and where we find ourselves and things we were never looking for. 

The unknown is 2015, and we are racing towards it. Come fire, come love. Whatever the case, it's worth embracing.

1 comment :

  1. What a lovely post. Very relate-able. Inspirational, too. Happy New Year too you! By the way, found you in "Artful Blogger". Congrats!


Thank you so much for your lovely note!

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