September 11, 2011

Rock the Universe 2011

On Saturday, I went to Rock the Universe with Joshua, Lee and Gian at Universal Studios. It was my first time and it was really fun. I was worried about fainting from the all the stories Joshua has told me about the past two times he went and how crowded it was and how much standing I'd have to do. But I was fine and I enjoyed seeing Red and Relient K! Thank God for the breeze during the concert. It was so stuffy and musky...

Hi Matt Thiessen :) 

But anyways, we also went on Rip Ride Rocket ( I've been calling it Riptide Rocket. And personally, I like it better that way) and waiting over an hour for the one minute ride. But it was worth it! They recorded us, which I didn't know, but when they showed us the video of it, I look ridiculous! But I'll upload the video for that later :) The rides were opened until 1, way past my bedtime, so I ended up almost falling asleep in line for the Simpsons Ride. I passed out so fast on the ride back home.

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