October 22, 2011

Custard Bun Attempt

The first time my parents brought me home Chinese buns, I fell in love with them! Red bean, BBQ, coconut, durian (yes, I love durian) and my favorite, custard filled buns! They are so addictive! I crave them a lot and it's about time I learn to make homemade ones. So today was my first attempt with my dad helping me as well. He cooks a lot, but he never made bread before either. It was all about experimenting.

 I found inspiration here for the bread recipe and my dad made the custard on his own. What I was really excited about in the ingredients was using yeast and seeing it rise and double in size like the recipes explained. It was pretty neat. 

Although the resulting custard buns were yummy, there were still a lot of things to improve on. We over baked it, added too much flour when rolling the filling in so it was hard on the outside (but soft inside yay!), and did not add enough eggs for the custard to make it yellower and thicker. But for the first time it was pretty good. I will have to try this again.

We were very excited to make these buns, so when I walked into the kitchen to check on them in the oven... this is what I see. How cute! I love my parents. :) 

1 comment :

  1. Omg, your parents in the last picture! That's pretty adorable. ~big


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