November 20, 2011

Three Years with My Hunbun

Where did the time fly? Today Joshua and I celebrated our three year anniversary, in a sort of hybrid, casual style. We split the day to plan special things for each other. I got the afternoon portion, and he got the evening. For lunch, we picnicked indoors on a Spongebob blanket eating our Olive Garden to go order and reminisced. We spent the rest of the day studying, yeah... the life of a college student, until dinner. Joshua kept joking with me that we were just going to sit in at McDonald's and order happy meals! How romantic. But he ended up surprising me with dinner at Colorado Fondue.

 It's hard to believe that it's already been three years! In such a short amount of time, we've done so much and went through so much together. It's been quite a journey, and I can't wait to see what is in store of us in years to come!

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