May 14, 2012

Fairy Tale Craze

Yesterday was probably my biggest moment ever of being a fan girl. All of last week, I've been anxious, excited, and just down right giddy about the season finale of Once Upon a Time. So when it was finally on yesterday, my eyes were glued to the TV screen. Then when it was a commercial, I was on Twitter... then back to the screen. It was bad. It's something about fairy tales that really gets to me. Maybe it brings back those childhood memories of reading the story book from the library and then watching it come to life in the disney movies. Or maybe I just simply love fairy tales and the twists in how it's told. I've been obsessing about this show and Grimm, and I'm really excited about watching Snow White and the  Huntsman. Eeep! Sorry, I just had to have one last outburst of being a fan girl... especially since both of those shows are going on a short break. 

Anyways, I recently came across these beautiful fairy tale minimalist posters (I'm so in love with minimalist design). I think are just perfect for this new fairy tale craze. Anyone else drawn into the hype of the fairy tales?

Images from here


  1. lovely! i like especially the 1st one

  2. I love these minimalist posters!!


  3. love it!


  4. I was a little late on discovering Once Upon a Time and have been catching up for the last few weeks, (on episode 19 now so close to the season finale!) What an amazing show, I'm obsessed:)

    Pink Chai Style


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