November 27, 2012

Holiday Things: Gifts for Parents

Sometimes thinking about what to buy parents can be a bit difficult. How do you show your appreciation to the two people who made it all happen? A lot of times it doesn't have to be big and extravagant. For my parents, I like to shop for simple things that can add a little something special for the everyday. 

one Kate Spade On the Town Short Necklace / two J.Crew Brompton Mini-Hobo / three Garrett Leight The Rialto Leopard Tort / four Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Parfum / five Diptyque Baies, Figuier and Roses

one Hill-Side Selvedge Pocket Square / two Uniform Wares 200 Series PVD Rose Watch / three Unionmade Utility Bifold Wallet / four The Art of Straight Razor, Shaving Cream and Brush / five Thurlow Thurmocs American Deerskin Slippers


  1. love the gifts! My husband loves man fancy shaving kits :)

  2. I always have trouble coming up with gifts for my parents! These are great ideas!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Thanks! I usually do too, which became the inspiration for this post! :)

  3. Oh wow these are all such great picks for both parents!

  4. You totally nailed these, Milynn! Parents are tough to buy for sometimes. I think I'm going with a watch for my Dad this year!

    The Glossy Life

  5. I never know what to get my parents! I do want that necklace for myself, though :)

    Life Unsweetened

    1. Agreed! I would definitely borrow it from my mom if I decide to get that :P

  6. I usually don't buy gifts for my parents because it is just too difficult so Evan and I make them a fancy dinner or something. But I love this gift guide and I want it all for myself. Especially that men's watch. I could totally rock that.

    1. That's a wonderful idea too! Materialistic things aren't the only things to gift parents with :)

  7. Parents can be tough to buy for but my mom would love a purse like that. I already ordered her a new camera but there's always her birthday :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  8. Finally had a chance to smell those diptyque candles over the weekend and put one on my list in a hot minute!

  9. that necklace is beautiful! and the diptyque candles are always perfect for anyone!

  10. these are so helpful cause i have been wracking my brain on what to get my parents! Also, this is the first christmas im not spending with them, so i want to get something extra special! thank you for these ideas!


  11. My mom would totally love one of those candles!

  12. My dad always loves shaving gifts haha

    xo Jennifer


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