February 19, 2013

Air Plants

picture frame air plants

In an attempt to follow my parent's footsteps in gardening, I bought a couple air plants at the Saturday Morning Market over the weekend. I figured that I should start with something low maintenance and low cost, just in case I didn't inherit their green thumb. I asked the sweet lady who sold them to me a ton of questions on how to care for them, the only thing I didn't know after leaving was how I was going to display them when I got home.

diy air plant display

I rummaged through some old picture frames not being used in the closet, grabbed craft wire and got to crafting.

If you would like to do the same, it's really simple! Just take the craft wire and make loose coils based on the shape of your plant. Since my air plant with the flower has a narrow bottom, I started off with small coils (I wrapped the wire around a pencil) and continued widened the coil to fit its shape. The smaller one has a wider bottom, so I made a wider base for it to sit on. To attach it to the picture frame, I used some hot glue.

air plant display

For now, they stay suspended in that wooden picture frame and give my room a little rustic touch. Hopefully they will continue to thrive. Fingers crossed!


  1. This is such a cute way to display the plants. I just got my first plant this weekend...once I figure out if I can keep it alive, then maybe I'll display it cute!

    The Glossy Life

  2. Beautiful and sooo creative. I love how light and airy it all is! Beautiful job, Milynn!


  3. I never heard of air plants before, they look nice, especially with the frame, great idea. But my first thought was: Don't they need earth? ha. again, beautiful idea. (:

  4. I really really love it! Seems perfect for Florida, since they suck the moisture out of the air!

  5. These are so beautiful! I've never heard of air plants before. I hope they survive!

  6. What a cute and fun idea! It looks so pretty.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  7. This is so unique. Such a fun way to incorporate some greenery into your decor!

  8. Wow, I've never heard of air plant before but the idea sounds great! I have been babying a pot of orchid and boy, I tell you.. it needs a lot of babying, too much for my taste ;D


  9. I've never seen something like this before! So cool!


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