April 2, 2012

My Lovely Weekend Photo Shoot

Love and Whimsy

Love and Whimsy

Love and Whimsy

Love and Whimsy

Love and Whimsy

Love and Whimsy

Love and Whimsy

This weekend Joshua came to visit me again. A last minute change in plans since I was supposed to go to Orlando. But it worked out because this was probably the last weekend he would be able to visit me for a while. We had a very busy (but still very lovely) weekend trying to spend as much time as we could together. This basically consisted of waking up at 7 am and bouncing from one place to another until 2am. We had this quick photo shoot on the railroad tracks early Sunday morning. It was really fun and we mostly goofed around the entire time. Joshua and I don't really have many photos together. It's usually one of us taking turns taking pictures of each other. That, or I'm extending my camera out with one arm hoping to take a half decent picture of our faces. So this was a nice change. I'll have to post pictures of us being silly another day, but for now here are my favorites. 

images by me


  1. The photos are really sweet<3 & the last one is perfect~


  2. just stumbled across your blog and read through some of your posts! you have a lovely space and these pictures are super cute!


Thank you so much for your lovely note!

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