July 26, 2012

A Long Distance Rant

Our first picture together as a couple at our first basketball game. 
We all have a routine, whether we know it or not. It helps maintain our sanity, gives us some direction and it just feels right. It's comfortable and we know what to expect. This is how my relationship with Joshua was for the past 3 years.

We met in college, I'm sure I'll share the story one day... if you're interested. It's really funny actually how this Indian dude came into my life and managed to change my world. Anyways, that's for another time.

We didn't live more than 2 miles apart and we saw each other everyday. When I needed to go grocery shopping I knew just who to call. For good company, but mainly because he would be carrying all the food to my car and up the stairs to my apartment. Guys, this is not man abuse. I cooked the food and all he had to do was do the brute work of hauling it to the kitchen. Sorry, I got sidetracked again. When a new movie came out, it was automatic that we'd be in that theater together. Maybe not that opening night, but some time while it's still playing. And when I needed a hug for a good cry, he was right there next to me. Life was comfortable and we had a routine written somewhere in the air.

Then the inevitable happened. College was ending and we had our sights on graduation. The separation anxiety set in. I had to move back to St. Petersburg to get my career together and he moved to South Florida to wait for acceptance into a master's program. We're only a few hours apart but seeing each other is not at all simple. And there's no count down to when we'll be together in the same city again.

It's weird to me that things couples normally do just aren't possible in a long distance relationship. I feel a small void every time I see other couples or when the wind blows a familiar scent my way. It's not that I'm jealous or anything, you know? I just miss my old routine and I miss sharing mini adventures. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer on this! But for now, we're looking for creative ways to make this fun. 

PHEW! Sorry that was so long, I am applauding you if you made it down this far. But I'm curious, are you in a long distance relationship or have been in one? How do you keep up the spark miles apart?! 


  1. Oh! I really know how this feels living in a LDR for about seven years. But love, as you know, is worth waiting for :) You can do it!!

    1. Oh my! 7 years? I've been in this for 7 months and it feels like an eternity! Thank you so much, Anna for sharing!

  2. It's all about keeping in touch by letters, emails, frequent conversations. Really share all the tid-bits of information and the happenings of the day. You will know if you can do, when you start doing it.

    1. Thank you for your suggestions! I really like the letters idea! nothin' like old fashion snail mail :)

  3. :[ you poor thing. my blogger bff got with my husband's best friend and they're going on a long distance relationship. they've never lived in the same city before which i guess is much harder, but i think their advice is to keep yourself busy and be patient. they do see each other once a month or two so i guess that's a good thing. ^__^ i hope all is well with you.

    oh and please join my giveaway over here.


    1. Oh wow! That's got to be really hard not ever having lived in the same city. But they are lucky to be able to see each other so often! :) I haven't seen Joshua for 4 months before he visited during the 4th of July! Crazy times.

  4. I'm not in one now. Many moons ago I was engaged to my husband and he lived in Kansas City, MO and I lived in Savannah, GA. We did a lot of letter writing, email, sometimes we'd send each other small things in the mail.

    1. Thank you for sharing! Sending each other something in the mail is such a great idea! I never receive anything in the mail other than bills nowadays. That would be such a fun surprise to open the mailbox to :)

  5. Ahh, I completely understand how you feel! Though me and my lovie aren't in the same college, we went to the same high school, so we're keeping the LDR going through college. Summer is like what you've described - I always know who to go to for all those little activities. But once school starts for the both of us, we're separated by hundreds of miles - so visiting is pretty much impossible in the academic school year. But we make do - Skype helps a lot! And it makes me appreciate the times with him so much more. ^^
    ♥ xixia | thisisxixia.com

    1. Oye, that's tough! But it's great to know that there are others out there who are in the same situation helping and inspiring each other to get through it! Thank you so much for sharing your story :)

  6. :) Have a movie night and watch the same movie/show on the phone.

    1. There's gotta be an app out there somewhere! :P

  7. I was in a long distance relationship with my hubby before we got married. It's hard, but worth it. :) We texted constantly, telling each other what we were doing, etc. I was in North Carolina at the time, and he in Texas. We got to where we couldn't take not being together, so I moved to be with him. Almost 5 years and 2 kids later, here we are. :)

    - Jaime

    1. What a great story, thank you for sharing! I'm so glad it worked out for you both! I'm hoping Joshua and I will be as lucky!

  8. It is same for me, I can bet its hard but worth it at the end :) xx

    Sneak peek into my life

    1. I believe this quote can go right with what you said: True love waits. What do you think? :)

  9. i loved to read this post!:) i've never had a long distance relationship, so i can't really tell how it is. but i'm sure you two will manage this. i mean a 3 yrs relationship! WOW:) nowadays you have so many possibilites to "stay in touch" but i can understand that there are things which can't work via phone or messages.

    have a great weekend !

    lots of love xx

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, there's nothing that can substitute holding hands or just being in each other's company. But those other ways to stay in touch are better than nothing! :)

  10. hand written letters and packages might do the trick. it's an amazing sentimental gesture, and i always loved know that his hands had taken the time to write those words.

  11. I enjoyed this post. I found you on Let Them Eat Cake Hop. Stop by and say hello.

  12. Sheesh... so clingy.


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