October 7, 2011

(Red Curry) Kaeng Phat Phet

I have been eating out everyday for the past few weeks. Not only is it unhealthy for me, but it's really taking a toll on my bank account. So, today I decided to start cooking again. I wanted to make a dish that my mother makes for me that I love! It's a Thai/Lao dish called Red Curry, or Kaeng Phat Phet, basically translated to mean spicy curry. It's a really simple dish to make. I made it in less that 30 minutes, with just enough time to catch my favorite show on TV!

· 1 can of curry paste
· 1 can of coconut milk
· Sliced beef
· Salt to taste
· 1 Tsp of fish sauce
· 2 Tbsp of olive oil
· Green beans (you can use anything, zucchini, carrots, I prefer bamboo shoots, I just didn't have any in my pantry)
· Kaffir Lime leaves (my mom grows them in the back yard at home, they add a little kick and gives it a nice aroma)

1. In a pan or wok, add the olive oil and beef until it is browned but not cooked through.
2. Stir in the curry paste.
3. Mix in the green beans for 1 minute and then add the coconut milk, salt, kaffir leaves and fish sauce. Cook for 10 more minutes, or until the green beans are cooked to your liking!
4. Serve over rice.

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