January 9, 2012

Peekaboo Blueberry Pie

This year, one of my resolutions is to become a better chef. So when my new dessert book came in the mail on Saturday, I figured I could start working on my baking skills. I decided to start this journey off today with a pretty simple blueberry pie. 

The book has so many recipes ranging from cookies, cakes, and pies to puddings.  These recipes come from a very well known Southern cafe in Nashville, TN called Loveless Cafe.  It was featured on numerous news channels, various articles, Martha Stewart and Paula Deen even commented on it, so I knew these recipes had to be amazing! I love Paula's quote by the way "Desserts that make you wanna slap yo momma". When I finally finished my pie, all from scratch, even the crust, I was pretty proud of myself. It was delicious! I'm so excited to make more desserts from this book. One day I'll make the trip out to the Loveless Cafe just to try the real thing.

Recipe from this book: Desserts from the Famous Loveless Cafe

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