April 18, 2012

Cocoa Beach Day

Beach waves at Cocoa Beach FL

Living in Florida you think everyday should be a beach day. Day after day, we're blessed with warm, sunny weather so I expected last Saturday to be a gorgeous day too. Unfortunately, as Joshua and I drove to Cocoa Beach with a few friends... we saw looming clouds. I'm not much of a beach goer and the one day I decide to go, it's cloudy. Just my luck? I hoped that once we got to the beach, the sun would shine. But instead, I met cold wind and a sunless sky. I ended up wearing Joshua's hoodie nearly the entire time there.

my beach towel blowing in the wind

The water was so choppy! 
cocoa beach

windy beach day

cocoa beach boardwalk

It was so windy that Joshua was able to have objects stick to his body. 
windy beach day at Cocoa Beach FL

This was about as much of the water I could stand. It was freezing! 
feet in the sand at cocoa beach FL

Windy beach day at Cocoa Beach FL

Beach volleyball at Cocoa Beach

1 comment :

  1. The beach looks so pretty! I know how you feel though! I went to Destin one time for spring break and the water was freezing! All I managed to do was put my feet in!


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