June 9, 2012

Around the House

 I woke up to what I thought was another gloomy morning, until I opened my blinds and my room flooded with sunlight. Such a wonderful surprise after a spell of rainy days. I took advantage of the sunny morning to take a short walk around my neighborhood. As I passed my house, I couldn't help but notice a few little of its little charms.

 This is the home I've lived in most of my life. It was built up by my dad with his skill in self-taught carpentry and landscaped by my mother's green thumb. You can't find a single corner where there's not a flower blooming or an herb ready to be plucked. We grow a lot of our own fruit and vegetables that we share with friends and family. We may have a lot of plants around the house, they may be overgrown, hanging over the side of the fence, it may be an eyesore at times seeing all that green... but it's home. 

It's where we watched a seed from a mango we've eaten 7 years ago grow and provide us with fruit every year. Where we tied a hammock on the trees and just relaxed in the sun speckled shade. After a long day of hard work, my parents tend to their plants, sip tea in the backyard and just bask in the garden they created. It's just a reminder that to live happily, we can live simply. 


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