June 13, 2012

The Mystery of the Missing Glasses

This is completely irrelevant from my usual posts, but it's a mystery happening at my home... kind of. Maybe not, but won't you join me anyway?

Everyday I come home from work, I go into the kitchen for some water. I open the cupboard and normally I would find it full of a collection of tall cups from all over the place. A couple beer mugs even. But lately, it just isn't as full as it normally is and everyone keeps asking where all of the cups went. Well... I seem to have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water. (Just one of my quirks I guess). Only, I don't drink it in the kitchen. I sip along as I walk back to my room, place it down on my nightstand and fall back asleep. I do this almost every night, and my cup collection grows. Mystery solved. Sort-of. I can't tell you why I just don't put it away or why I don't use the same cup or why I don't drink in the kitchen. I just don't know. 

But anyways, the cups are now back where they belong. For who knows how long...


  1. I do the same thing! My roommates have learned where to look for the glasses :)

  2. I do the same thing. lol. Adore this post, love. If you get a sec, I just posted pictures from my wedding ceremony. Eeek. Love to hear what you think. xo



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