July 18, 2012

One Day

I recently come across Republic Bikes as I'm now in the market for a new bike. I'd much rather replace my car with a bike for quick trips to the store. The cool thing about it is that you can design your own bike the way you like. You can choose your own colors for every part of it, add a basket, choose your handlebars, there's so many options. Here are a few of my designs. Nothing too crazy. Well, except for the last one I guess. :)

How would you design your Republic Bike? Get designing here 


  1. these are gourgeous! I also wanted one very similar to these in scarlet red, but it would have costed me about 800 dollars... I had to let that thought go...

    1. Oh! A scarlet red bike sounds perfect, but I can see how an 800 dollar price tag can turn anyone away!

  2. These are such cute bikes. My husband is currently determined to build me a bike since I have made all these crazy specifications on what I want, haha. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Oh my goodness! You'll have to show me how that looks after he builds it. Such a handyman :) You're so lucky!

  3. AH! These bikes are adorable! I'd definitely love a new bike, since my last one was breaking down...then stolen. XD
    Would you like to follow each other? :)
    ♥ xixia | thisisxixia.com

    1. Oh my goodness how horrible! I'm sorry about that, hopefully they couldn't go too far with it before it completely falls apart!

  4. My old roommate has one. I thought they were weird at first, but I quite like them now. That picture on the top makes me want to have just so I can take a picture of it on the beach ;)

    1. I thought they were weird too after seeing some crazy designs. But I think I want one JUST so I can go on the beach with it :) Why not right? I live just minutes from one!

  5. Oh wow those bikes are so cool! I love the different colors!

  6. I love them!!! They are beautiful!!!

  7. I love the bikes. Had my new one in last April and I must say I am all in love with it :) Thanks for lovely comment on my blog, I am following you now. Will you drop some love at my place by following back? :) Xo Xo

    Sneak peek into my life

    1. Oh nice! I'm glad to hear good things about it! I need to save up and order one soon :) Thanks for stopping by!

  8. So pretty! I love the second design. Good luck in your bike search :) xx


  9. Oh my! These are lovely. I especially love the beach cruiser type frame. I've always wanted a bike, sadly for me I never learnt to ride one! :(


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