July 19, 2012

Brick Interiors Part 2

Remember a long time ago when I shared with you my love affair with brick interiors? Here are some more homes that give off that industrial and urban look I love. I found these photos while I was over at one of my all time favorite blogs, MadeByGirl.

Check the rest of them over at the MadeByGirl Blog and see how you can get that industrial glam look too! 

I really really want to recreate this in my home. What's your favorite interior design style?


  1. I LOVE rooms with brick interiors, there's just something so charming about them!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  2. Hm, I had never really given much thought to it before, but I really like the grey bricks in the second photo. They add texture in a really interesting way.

  3. You look amazing dear!
    Love your style and your blog!
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