January 13, 2012

Friday Favorites // Brick Interior

I have a confession.  Well... it's not much of a confession, it's more like a fact. But, I have a love affair with exposed brick. If you know me, you know that I adore industrial and modern decor. So I love how a brick wall can give off an industrial, rustic and contemporary look, just depending on the way you dress it up. Its urban feel reminds me of the big cities like Chicago where I grew up or New York. I started thinking about brick interiors recently because I want to give some parts of my house a long overdue makeover. I have a couple walls made of beautiful brick and I wasn't sure what I could do to the walls that can draw out the bricks without hiding it behind furniture. So I checked out Pinterest (my pinboard here) for some ideas and came across so many amazing pictures of brick interiors!! I compiled them here :) 

Don't you just love how the chandeliers glam up the space?? Love it! 

Which one is your favorite? 

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