July 24, 2012

Tissue Paper Flowers

tissue paper flower

With a little down time on Friday, what can ya do?

Answer: Make tissue paper pom-poms. We kind of had a mini craft workshop. Martha Stewart taught me how to make tissue paper pom-poms, and I passed it along to my co-worker, Stephanie. The idea started from the tissue paper flowers I made as office decor for my cube. The gray drab walls at work totally needed some color and a dash of girly-girl.  So with some extra time on our hands, we whipped out the tissue paper and started folding, cutting and creating pretty flowers. Why not add more color to our already colorful office area? We have colorful banners, infographic posters and Krabby Patties on the walls. :) 

tissue paper flower
how to make tissue paper flower
tissue paper flowertissue paper pom-pom

I made two flowers, then decided that I wanted to make it into a pom-pom. So I just tied the "stems" of the flower together, cut off the excess and strung it to the ceiling. And now my office looks like this: 

I like to keep my cube vibrant and fun. I even had that map custom made to fit my teal and pink office theme.

By the way, the Spongebob and Mr. Potatohead were gifts that I couldn't pass up as decor. I'm sure it looks like a play area or a bit childish, but I'm not complaining :)

If you have an office, how did you decorate it? 


  1. ahhhh! these are super cute! thanks for sharing this with us! ^__^

    Also, please join my giveaway over here: http://www.robotsintrouble.com/2012/07/giveaway-20-gift-card-to-skincarerx.html


  2. HAHA! I love the SpongeBob :)

    I am gonna have to try these at school with the kids for craft. Super cute. :)

  3. SO creative. I love it hanging off the wall!


  4. Super cute, looks like you had fun :) xx

  5. So pretty, I'll keep this in mind when I need to decorate, seems perfect for a party!

  6. omg, these turned out amazing. Fabulous post, love! If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest trend report & post for LaurenConrad.com. xo


  7. how fun! i always love these little tissue paper pom pom's. and might i say, spongebob is just the perfect touch ;)
    xo TJ

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by Alderberry Hill, following you now via GFC!

  9. Great idea! It's awesome to spruce up your working environment a bit - makes going to work all the better. ^^
    I'll have to try making those when I want to redecorate my room. They'd be lovely on the walls.
    And following you now! (:
    ♥ xixia | thisisxixia.com


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