November 8, 2012

Pie Baking Things

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I've been working on my pie baking skills (and also crossing another thing off my fall bucket list). It's really satisfying to bake, although I tend to leave a huge floury mess in the kitchen. I have the case of chronic butterfingers, you can see my latest mishap here

I love that baking always fills my home with a wonderful aroma that draws my family in way before it is ready to leave the oven. It's always during the fall and winter months that I go on a baking spree, probably because it warms the home and belly on these colder days. 

Have you been baking lately too? What have you been cookin' up? 


  1. The pie server is so cute! Twigs!

  2. Oh goodness... I want all of these things!

  3. I've been wanting to try a French-style tart in one of those beautiful Le Crueset tart pans. So pretty!

    I've been baking up a storm here with pumpkin bread, iced pumpkin cookies, Mrs. Fields oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies, ginger cookies, bread, biscuits... the season is upon me! Going through cans of pumpkin like crazy around here. :-)

  4. This is a beautiful collection of wonderful winter baking things. And now I want to make a pie. I haven't made a pie since I had saskatoons this summer.

  5. love those mixing bowls! this is my favorite time of year to bake, simply because it's acceptable for all my recipes to have a pumpkin element. yum!

  6. I feel like ALL I do is bake. Pies are my "responsibility" at Thanksgiving, so I'm loving everything you have pictured here!

    The Glossy Life

  7. Such a cute post! I can't wait for pies on Thanksgiving.

    Life Unsweetened

  8. Love those mixing bowls!! We are responsible for pecan and pumpkin pies at our Thanksgiving gatherings.

  9. love the mixing bowls!! so fun. i think i might just need them

  10. I LOVE baking... and I also love eating the dough while I bake... bit of a fail :P Love this selection of utensils! You have a really nice blog! I'm now following you! :) Keep up the good work!
    Here's my link if you wish to check out mine:

    Have a lovely evening/day :)

    Ely xx

  11. Haven't baked anything in quite a while. ^^'' I should definitely try my hand at making pies this Thanksgiving!

    The Krystel Book

  12. Pie's are the best thing about Thanksgiving! Love this post!
    xo TJ

  13. Ohh I love pies, but I do find them a little tricky to make!

  14. omg, those pie serves are too cute. Just got motivated to make a pumpkin pie. lol. Thanks for sharing, love. If you get a sec, I'm giving away a $375.00 handbag as a giant thank you. I'd love if you'd enter. xo


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