November 9, 2012


Happy weekend, friends! We finally made it to the end of the week. Hooray!

Some tidbits of my week (and my room too!):

Relaxing under the spell of this little pumpkin cake candle. 
Making freedom count by voting (you too right??). 
Finishing off some Halloween candy. 
Wearing cozy socks around the house on these chilly nights. 
Shades of gray in my bedroom. 
Now that Halloween is over, I'm hanging the string lights over my closet. 

I'll be playing tour guide for a couple days while one of my best friends comes to town for a little visit. What do you have going on?

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, here are some of my favorite links this week:

Got extra fabric? Do this
Love this quote
...and this one too
My wardrobe would really love these booties and this gold cuff


  1. Those little socks kill me. Love em. Have a sweet weekend :)

  2. I love having white lights hanging all over my apartment. It makes it feel so cozy!

    The Glossy Life

  3. Your socks are too cute. And I've been eating leftover halloween candy all week too. Have a great weekend!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  4. Your socks are soo cute 'w'


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