September 12, 2011

Thrill Seeker

So here is the music video that Joshua and I bought from our Rip Ride Rockit experience. We were surprised that it was a music video, we thought it was going to be just a straight video of us on the ride. It's kind of embarrassing, but I guess that's why we had to buy it, for good memories. It's a fun ride, this was my second time being on it. But it's different than other roller coasters because you get to pick from a list of songs which one you want to play as you get hurled through the air on the ride. I chose Hella Good by No Doubt, so that's why Hella Good is the song for this music video. There is sooo much stuff going on in the video. But if you want to see the clips of just Joshua and I, click to 1:13, 1:47 and 2:34. There are other wide shot views of us on the ride somewhere in there too. Agh, I hope you enjoy this! :P

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