September 13, 2012

City Tour: St. Petersburg Pier

st. Pete pier

One of my favorite places to go in St. Petersburg is downtown to The Pier. It has a pretty unique inverted pyramid design with a beautiful waterfront view of the Tampa Bay. I'd say it's the most recognized landmark here. There's lots of touristy shops, restaurants and bars in it that I admit I don't go there for. I just love walking along side the water and stopping to cheer on local fishermen as they reel in their prize. I can't forget to mention going up to the top of the building to the observatory deck. It's a lovely place to go to see St. Pete's seaside skyline.

A happy fisherman who just caught a fish as I was walking by. 

Business has been really slow here and the City held an international design competition to give it a new edge and completely replace it. I'm sad to see it go down next year, but our downtown is growing it'll be interesting to see a new and modern design of the Pier over the water.

What is your favorite place to go in your city?

I might have to take notes one day if I travel there :)


  1. Oh my word, your blog is beautiful. I've simply fallen in love, and I really look forward to reading more from you!

    In regards to your post, my your photographs are lovely! It sure looks like a fun time!

  2. I'm pretty sure I've already told you this before, but I absolutely love seeing your new posts. My little family is from St. Pete and your photos kind of bring us back. We are currently in Washington, but will be heading to California soon ... but the Pier? That will always be one of our favorite places. You forgot to get a picture of the pelicans outside! :)

    1. Yes! It's such a small world! Do you come visit often? There weren't really a lot of pelicans outside last night, just that one. Weird, right?

  3. I'm from Boston (have you ever been?) and there are just so many things to do. My favorite is of course the shopping on Newbury Street! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. I've never been to Boston, but it's on my list of places to travel! I'll make sure to make Newbury Street a place to visit and will save up for that. Ha! Maybe we can meet up one day when I go? :)

  4. Lovely pictures! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am your newest follower. Hope you can follow me too and keep up with two amazing cities. xo

    Camille Marie

  5. Im here in Chicago and Navy Pier is our favorite! Amazing and righ off the lake.

    Have you been to Chi town???

    Great blog

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    1. I have been there! I'm actually from Chicago and moved to St. Pete when I was about 6. I visited there with my boyfriend a couple years ago and I hope to make it back one day! We went to Chi Town and that's where we found the White Castle :)

  6. Love these photographs. All so much fun! I love the way you edited them too!!
    xo TJ

  7. It looks so pretty, I'd love to take a walk there right now <3


  8. I went to the pier for the first time last month--my boyfriend is from St. Pete and we went to visit his family. I love the design of the pier, but I agree, some updates stores and restaurants could really make it a lot more fun.


Thank you so much for your lovely note!

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