February 5, 2013

Love Stories with Alli and Q

As promised last week, throughout this month, I’ll be sharing with you guys some romantic stories from a few of my favorite bloggers. You know, in the spirit of the month of love. I’m so happy to share with you today our first storyteller, Alli from Hooray.

"My husband, Q, and I got married when we were practically babies. Seriously, we were so young (still in college!), but we didn't feel so young of course. We just knew we shared the same faith and values, and couldn't imagine life without one another. Oh, and one thing may have helped us realize this even sooner: while dating, Q got called to serve on his first deployment overseas with his Air Force unit. It's surreal how far your heart can sink to the bottom of your stomach, on hearing news you'll be apart from someone you love for the better part of a year. Adding to that, the emotions of being a dating couple...seeing each other mostly on weekends when a certain guy would drive from his college across the state border to visit his girlfriend (me) in Ann Arbor. :) But as scared and overwhelmed as we were for that first deployment, I'll always be grateful for the role the military has played in our story."

"If Q hadn't felt compelled to enlist during his first year of college, taken a semester off for training, and come home to work for his dad before classes resumed, he might not have met the "new girl" about to graduate at his sister's high school, and seen her at all of the sports games. And ask to take her to the movies. And nearly a year later, just before his first deployment overseas, tuck a ring inside her birthday gift and ask her to marry him when he returned."

Thank's so much, Alli, for sharing your’s and Q’s sweet, sweet love story! Be sure to pop over to her blog to say hi and check out her fabulous shop


  1. Love these types of posts- hearing other's love stories is very refreshing!

  2. I love this–hearing people's love stories is one of my favorite things. It makes me so happy!

    The Glossy Life

  3. I think it was good they shared the same faith and values. It does makes things a lot easier, especially since they married so young. That's a lovely story :) we're waiting for more!

  4. This is such a sweet and romantic post! Love stories always give me the warm fuzzies :) Thanks for sharing!

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my iPad Clutch Giveaway!

  5. Aww, I love Alli! Her blog is one of my all-time favorites. So fun to know a little bit more about the person behind the blog. Thanks for doing this series, Milynn!

  6. Love their story! My husband and I got married in college too, just little babies back then

  7. Aw, what a sweet love story. Love it.

  8. Beautiful love story! Do stop over my blog too dear!

  9. This is such a cute and sweet story.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  10. Aw, I love this idea. It's always so fun to read the story of how two people found each other.

  11. This post is absolutely precious! Checking out her site now! :)
    xo TJ

  12. That is such a sweet story! I love hearing about how people got together. So cute :)

  13. how sweet is this, love the idea to highlight other love stories!!
    what a darling blog, excited to start following!
    Xo chaseandem.blogspot.com

  14. Milynn, thank you so much for having me on your lovely blog! It was such a pleasure - looking forward to this series : )

  15. Such a sweet story and look at the photo, how happy they are together :)

  16. Aww I love this series!! Such a sweet story, Alli!


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