January 22, 2012


Being in Orlando and catching up with Joshua and my friends really kept me busy this past weekend. It was a great feeling to be able to be in the company of so many people I love after being away for weeks. Now that I will be starting to work next week, my schedule will finally be filled again. Relaxing and having nothing penciled in my agenda was nice for a few days, but I began to feel very restless and unproductive. I'm used to having so much going on, and now I can't wait to have a regular schedule again. But here are a few of my favorite things from this weekend.

{A beautiful day to go on a date}

{Bittersweet moment of finding a cotton candy 
machine at the theaters and it failing}

{New wedges}

{ Walk around Downtown Orlando with my Big Sister}

{Unveiling of new members of Delta Phi Lambda}

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