January 20, 2012

Grapple, Have you heard of it???

I am finally reunited with Joshua for an extended 5 day weekend. I love cooking him dinners, which will be very rare now that we will be living 2 hours away from each other. So instead of going out to eat, we decided that we'll just stay in and I'll cook (he cleans up the dishes). While picking up some ingredients, we came across Grapples (it's pronounced like gray-pple). It says it "crunches like an apple, and tastes like a grape". That description drew us in. How could an apple taste like a grape?? Was it genetically modified? Would it really taste like grapes? We needed to find out.  

As it turns out, these were not genetically modified but are actually infused with grape flavoring. It smelled grape-ish and had a faint taste of grape. But, it was still very much an apple. We were expecting so much more. It was a little disappointing. But, the good thing about it was that it satisfied me while I was craving chocolate and candy. On the road to good health!

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