January 2, 2012

My Updated Closet

Before making the move back home, I knew that I needed to update my room. It was once painted a baby pink with a slew of childish decor. But it was my closet that I really wanted to fix up. With only one rod and a shelf, this offered me no organization. It's a rather awkward closet because it's long and storage space hides behind the wall, which makes it hard to reach clothes that are further back. But I drew up how I wanted to fix it, so here's the sketch I made a couple months ago and I how it actually looks now.

I moved the dresser from a corner in my room into the closet. Can you believe it actually fits in?! My coats are hiding on the left side, then color coded light tops, darker colors on the right and my dresses hiding behind the wall. I added an extra rod under the shirts on the left for my skits and jeans, and three shelves on the right for shoes. Sigh,  that's the best I could do with it. But I dream of closets like these! One day... I hope I can make it happen :) 


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