December 31, 2011

Bye Bye 2011

Today we bid adieu to 2011 and welcome in the new year! With each new year brings a new beginning, new hope and new promises. This year, I'm really going to try to make sure my new year's resolutions are carried out. I'm sure we all say that every year, but let's all make it happen this time! But before the end the year, I just wanted to take a trip down memory lane with all my fond memories of 2011. 

My cousin's beautiful wedding in March brought together our family from across the country and we welcomed in new family members, including little Edison! 

Joshua and I attended 'Prom' together in May. The Prom Remix event was to support World Vision in donating school supplies for kids. 

To celebrate our friend Reggie's birthday, we went to a beach... which was not a good time since the east central coast of Florida was riddled with jellyfish. We were able to catch 3 of them and place them in a Gatorade bottle. The boys were not really fond of the jellies swimming along side them.

I also lived out my dream as a weather reporter!! But not really... I was at the Orlando Science Museum, but it was fun nonetheless.

Went fishing with my dad, some friends and Joshua. Joshua and daddy bonding time. I haven't gone fishing in a long time... But were lucky to see a couple manatees and dolphins!

In September, I went to Rock the Universe for the first time with Joshua, Lee and Gian to see Relient K in concert (for the second time). See the post here and a video of us on Rip Ride Rockit here.

My grandma passed away in October. We had her memorial in California, so my family and Joshua flew out there to see her for the last time. But we also had the opportunity to reunite with Joel since he's out there for dental school. See more pictures of our trip here and here.

This was also the first year I carved a pumpkin I picked from the pumpkin patch. Post here. Great date night with Joshua <3

On November 20, 2011, Joshua and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. We've had our share of ups and downs, but I think we've made great strides in our relationship as well. I love my boyfran and he loves me! :)

Last but not least, I graduated from UCF! 

Well that was basically my entire year in one post. I hope everyone had a wonderful year, and will have a safe and joyful New Year celebration. May your new year be blessed and filled with happy memories!

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