July 16, 2012

Four Seat Contraption

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend and ready to start the new week!

If you missed it on Twitter, Joshua came back to St. Petersburg for the weekend with his sister! He left here on Thursday to go back home, and then drove back the next day. That's an 8 hour trip back and forth! And so we got to spend the weekend together once again. We woke up pretty early to get ready to start the day and make the most of our time. We went with our friends, Scott and Samantha, to Fort De Soto to ride bikes and see the historic fort. I was expecting to ride a bike like this, but instead we got this strange contraption. Even though it had wobbly seats and squeaked, we loved it. We're just glad it came with shade.

We rode passed many dead trees. I found them fascinating. In such a lively place, there are trees without leaves and life. 

And speaking of trees... we rode passed this particular tree and we had to stop for one thing: to see who can climb it the highest. It looked like a climbable tree, being so... slanted. 

The winner was Scott! Too bad the only way down is to jump.


  1. These 'bikes' are very common on the Belgian coast. Often they're heavy to manoeuvre but are a great laugh and a good workout!

  2. looks like you guys had an amazing time! the scenery is gorgeous!

  3. hi! thanks for visiting my blog :-) love your photos :-)

  4. What a beautiful bike ride view! I'd lay on that leading palm tree all day with a book!
    Check out my blog and follow back on bloglovin' if you'd like!

  5. Love those...I haven't ridden one since I was in elementary.


  6. that bike is awesome! i need to get me one of those here in az.


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