September 21, 2012

How to Spend the Weekend

Ah, the weekend.

There's probably a million things you can do during these two days. Clean the house, travel somewhere new, catch up on work, go out with friends, watch the latest movie... but I think the main thing we hope for is just a little R&R. So my ideal weekend would be to

 have breakfast in bed and catch up on some light reading

sleep in until the sun peaks through the window

morning conversation over coffee

wear jammies all day

 and put my feet up to prepare for the next week.

What is your ideal way of spending the weekend? 


  1. Que fotos tan bonitas! muy otoñales:)

  2. This is truly delightful inspiration! Nothing is better than starting the day in a way!

  3. Such pretty little pictures; they definitely all complement each other! :) Looking at that sleeping in photo makes me want to go back to bed. I, too, have a white comforter, and it looks incredibly comfy in that photo. :) As for my weekend, I would love to relax as well. Watch movies, read. Cuddle with the fiance. But, I already have plans for this weekend--two of my best friends are celebrating their birthdays this weekend, so we are all spending the weekend together.

  4. My ideal weekend is just relaxing with my boyfriend watching our favorite TV shows. However, this weekend I'll be visiting my college for alumni weekend, so it's sure to be filled with excitement.

    Life Unsweetened

  5. All of these things sounds lovely. This weekend is quite a busy one for us, but I just may have to take you up on these suggestions, for the following weekend ;)

  6. These photos represent the most perfect weekend EVER. Seriously, I want to live in them. I'm a homebody, so my perfect weekend would have to include hanging low, maybe a dinner party with friends and lazy mornings!

    The Glossy Life

  7. That is pretty much my ideal weekend too. Just stay in jammies, relax, eat, have coffee, watch tv, and laugh all day with my husband. Mmm, perfection.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  8. prettyyyy much the same idea! but i've got to work sat. :(

  9. loving these pictures! this is exactly what i'm needing today =)

  10. Lol that second pic was exactly how I spent this morning

    taylor & DEMOLISH

  11. All of the above, would be my ideal way of spending the weekend!

  12. These pictures are amazing!!!

  13. These pictures are so lovely! Looks like a perfect weekend.


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