June 10, 2012

Roasted Red Pepper Pesto

I've been absent from the kitchen lately despite a long list of recipes I keep telling myself I'll make... one day. So to make my usual lazy Sunday, a little more exciting, I thought I'd get acquainted with my kitchen once again. Inspired by Reading My Tea Leaves post about her garlic scape pesto, I decided I'll make my own with roasted red pepper. I always got store bought pesto to spread on sandwiches, crackers and pasta, but I never thought to make it from scratch! Sigh... It's days like these when I miss Joshua the most. He's always the first one to try anything I make. I love cooking for him and he loves me cooking for him, it works. This Abyss... not so much. 

Roasted Red Pepper Pesto

3 roasted red peppers 
4 cloves of garlic
1/3 cup of grated parmesan cheese
1/3 cup of toasted almonds
1/4 cup of fresh basil
dashes of olive oil ( maybe 1/3 cup)
salt and pepper to taste

I roasted my red peppers, very interesting to hear them pop in the oven actually. Instructions to do so here but you can use the kind in the jar too. After roasting and skins peeled, I blended the red peppers, garlic and almonds together, then added the rest of the ingredients. Toss the pesto in some whole wheat fettucini or use it as a sandwich spread like I will be for lunch tomorrow :). Pesto is very versatile, use it as you please!

** I also sauteed zucchini and tomatoes in a little butter and pesto. Topped it on the pasta and sprinkled it all with cheese. 


  1. ooo yummm! i love a good pasta recipe! thanks for sharing!

  2. This looks so delish! I'll definitely have to try it out. Your blog is so pretty and quaint. Following now. :)

  3. Yum! All my favorite ingredients! I'm always looking for simple pasta dishes, so I'll be adding this one to the mix. Thanks!

  4. sounds good! thanks for sharing this recipe!

  5. delicious! thanks for the recipe!

  6. this looks amazing! I love putting red pepper on everything Italian :)



    1. Me too! I'm a really big sucker for a little added heat to my meals.

  7. oh my goodness, this looks seriously delish. This really is a fabulous post, love. If you get a second, I'd love to hear what you think of my latest wedding post and guest blog for Lauren Conrad. xo


    1. Thank you for stopping by! I'll def. check it out :)

  8. Yummmm.....i love pesto! Wow...i love how you blended almonds in it, bit of texture and fun to the pasta:)

    Im the same, keep telling myself to cook cook cook but it never gets done,lol

    p.s. never thought of pesto on crackers, i gotta try that!


    1. Oh it's delicious on crackers, a nice little snack :). Sometimes it's just hard finding the time to cook unfortunately.

  9. That looks amazing, I love pesto! Thanks for stopping by my blog, glad to have found yours!

  10. Ooh this look so yummy, I'll definitely be giving it a go!

    Lucy x


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